Reports and Studies
MASTER PLAN: The Master Plan is the official document used to guide the future development and growth of the community and the management of its resources. Organized through a series of goals, objectives, and strategies, the master plan provides the framework and basis for sound decision-making and establishes a clear direction and expectation for the community.
RESIDENTIAL HOUSING STRATEGY DRAFT: In recent years, housing has become a top concern in national, state, and local planning, especially in Michigan. To address this, the State of Michigan aims to build 75,000 new homes by 2028. In response, Monroe City Council began working on a local strategy in 2022 and 2023, with help from Beckett & Raeder and Karp Strategies. Now, in 2024, the City Council will review the strategy and decide what actions to prioritize.
Questions about the Residential Housing Strategy or have a residential project you are looking to work on in the City of Monroe, please do not hesitate to reach out to Matt Vanisacker in the Economic & Community Development Department at or 734-384-9193.
RIVER RAISIN HERITAGE CORRIDOR - EAST MASTER PLAN: The award winning redevelopment master plan for the east side of the City of Monroe surrounding the River Raisin National Battlefield Park.
ORCHARD EAST NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: The City of Monroe is planning for the future of the Orchard East neighborhood! Our goal is to develop a realistic plan for new housing, retail, and cultural resources in collaboration with Orchard East residents.
TELEGRAPH ROAD CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PLAN: funded by our partners at SEMCOG, this multi-jurisdictional plan was completed through the work of a task force formed by the Monroe County Business Development Corporation that was comprised of representatives from the City, as well as our neighbors in Monroe Township and Frenchtown Township. The study lays the groundwork and provides implementation recommendations to improve safety, development and identity along Monroe County's busiest commercial corridor of Telegraph Road.
SUBAREA PLAN - FORMER LA-Z-BOY HEADQUARTERS SITE: With the cooperation of La-Z-Boy, Inc., the City developed a vision for the highest and best use of La-Z-Boy's former headquarters site that has been vacant since 2015. This bold vision presents a transformational redevelopment along our busiest commercial corridor that is grounded in current market conditions and mitigates challenges to realizing the site's maximum potential.
NATIONAL CITIZEN SURVEY: The National Citizen Survey™ (The NCS) report is about the “livability” of Monroe. Great communities are partnerships of the government, private sector, community-based organizations and residents, all geographically connected. The NCS captures residents’ opinions within the three pillars of a community (Community Characteristics, Governance and Participation) across eight central facets of community (Safety, Mobility, Natural Environment, Built Environment, Economy, Recreation and Wellness, Education and Enrichment and Community Engagement).
CITY OF MONROE RESIDENTIAL TARGET MARKET ANALYSIS: Completed in May of 2017, this analysis describes the current residential market and a study of the housing demands of residents moving within and into the City.
CITY OF MONROE RETAIL TARGET MARKET ANALYSIS: A thorough analysis of the opportunities for development within the City of Monroe with a focus on the downtown area.
DOWNTOWN STRATEGIC PLAN: A compilation of the ongoing, short-term and long-term development objectives in the Downtown Development Authority district.
DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN: The City of Monroe and the Monroe Downtown Development Authority partnered to develop this
Master Plan to provide a blueprint for the next generation of revitalization in downtown. This plan integrates previous planning efforts, builds upon existing downtown assets, and leverages planned and future investments within and adjacent to downtown.
DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE GUIDELINES: Streetscapes often celebrate the history of a city using complementary design components that collectively provide a welcoming appearance and atmosphere that encourage pedestrians to visit, linger and interact.This study begins to establish guidelines that express the quality of space, detailing of the streetscape environments that collectively they create.
MONROE COUNTY I-75 CORRIDOR STUDY: In 2016 a study of the I-75 Corridor was conducted by the Monroe County Business Development Corporation to determine the amount of development property along the corridor and markets that are most suitable to taking advantage of the corridors attributes.
RESILIENT MONROE: land-use planning and community design project sponsored by the City of Monroe and Monroe Charter Township. This project will result in new or updated Municipal Master Plans for each of the participating local governments and provide guidance for successful community development in the years to come.