This application is for the use of facilities located within City Parks. Any extra amenities and/or other activities must be described in the Details area above, and may qualify as a Special Event. A separate Special Event Permit (requested online) may be required and may be subject to approval by City Council, with a detailed explanation of the event. Special uses of the parks or other public property (i.e. monument, boulevard, street, alley, parking lot, sidewalk, right-of -way, historical marker) must be made at least two (2) months prior to date of proposed event/activity to allow ample time for review by Staff and City Council.
• The City of Monroe reserves the right to refuse requests for permits or cancel permits at anytime.
• Please notify the Recreation Department if you no longer wish to use the reserved facilities. Facilities are rented rain or shine. Refunds will be given if the request is received at least 21 days before the reserved date, less 10%.
• All Park Rules and Regulations apply to this permit, and are enforced pursuant to§ 492-1 of the Code of the City of Monroe
• If your organization is a non-profit, please attach a copy of your 501 (c)(3)