
Boards, Commissions and Committees

Roles and Functions

A wide variety of functions are performed by City Boards and Commissions. The City Council is elected by the people to be in overall charge of the government of the City. Boards and Commissions are appointed to serve in a particular area of City government. These bodies are referred to as "citizen" Boards and Commissions since they are not elected and the people who serve on them are volunteers.

The Boards and Commissions of the City deal with a wide variety of subject areas that extend from Airport to Zoning. The roles of the Boards and Commissions are varied but each Board and Commission has a definite role prescribed for it by the City Charter, City Code of Ordinances, Council Resolution or some other legislative measure. The authority of City Council is limited by the City Charter; likewise, the authority of the various Boards and Commissions is limited by law. The actions of each citizen Board and Commission are important to the proper functioning of City government and, in some cases, have a substantial impact on individual citizens.

If you are interested in receiving more information in regards to serving on an advisory board or commission, please contact the Mayor’s Office at 734-384-9144.

List of Full Boards, Commissions and Committees

Meeting Schedule

Boards and Commissions Members Handbook

Board Application