Please use the below secure links to process invoices or fees from the City of Monroe.
Water/Sewer Bill
Special Assessments
Delinquent Personal Property
Building Permits/Fees
Miscellaneous City Invoices
Parks & Recreation Fees
FOIA Charges
Downtown Parking Passes
Ticket Citation
Other City Fees
NOTE For tax and utility payments only: view and pay online with credit card or e-check, schedule payments for a later date, set up AutoPay (water/sewer), receive bill reminders, go paperless (water/sewer only) or pay by text via our service provider here:
Invoicecloud. Convenience Fees are charged for summer and winter tax payments.
If you do not want to use the above links and would like to pay by phone, please call (844) 915-1240 for the following payments ONLY:
- Current property taxes
- Water/Sewer bills