Tax Bills
The summer tax bill is posted per City Charter the second Monday in May each year. Summer taxes not paid by June 30th are assessed a 5% penalty and applied to the winter bill.
Winter bills are sent out at the beginning of December and are due February 14. A penalty is assessed against unpaid taxes and they are turned over to the Monroe County Treasurer in March. The City of Monroe cannot accept property tax payments after the delinquent property tax has been turned over to the County.
Property taxes and water bills may be paid online via the link below for an additional fee. Convenience Fees are charged for summer and winter tax payments.
NOTE For tax payments: view and pay online with credit card or e-check, schedule payments for a later date, set up AutoPay, receive bill reminders, or pay by text via our service provider
here and linked below: Invoicecloud.
If you do not want to use the below secure links and would prefer to pay by phone, please call (844) 915-1240.