Coronavirus COVID-19
UPDATE JUNE 9, 2021: Following the rescission of State of Michigan Emergency Orders in response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, which went into effect June 22, 2021, at 12:01 AM, Monroe City Council passed a resolution at their June 21st meeting to terminate the local State of Emergency (SOE) instated by Mayor Robert E. Clark on Sunday, March 15th, 2020. The action also rescinds all associated pandemic related resolutions.
The State of Emergency officially ends Friday, June 25th, 2021, at 5:00 PM.
The official Termination of the Declaration of Emergency was signed by Mayor Clark on Tuesday, June 22nd, 11:06 AM.
Mayor Robert E. Clark: “Over the past year, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on our community as a whole. Through concerted efforts by the State of Michigan, Monroe County, and the City of Monroe, in addition to participation by our residents, we have arrived at a time wherein previously established safeguards can be eased. I’m extremely comfortable and confident in terminating the State of Emergency in the City of Monroe at this time. As we move forward into this post-pandemic period, we should all remain vigilant and continue to take necessary precautions.”
Any meetings after the State of Emergency (SOE) is rescinded will continue to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, which in the lack of a declared SOE, will return to in-person gatherings. The return to in-person city council meetings in the Council Chambers of City Hall will begin Tuesday, July 6th, and will be open to the public to attend. Individuals who choose to attend meetings are not required to wear a face covering, although they certainly may choose to wear a mask based on their comfort level.
The public should continue to regularly monitor the City’s website, Facebook page, MyMonroe app push notifications, the City’s government channel 18/Comcast, and local media for updates.
A full copy of the press release concerning the above, including the language of the order and resolution, can be found via the link below.