Storm Clean UP August 2023

Storm Clean Up
Posted on 08/31/2023
Special Notice: Additional Citywide Flood and Storm Debris Sweep

UPDATE: Monday, September 11, 2023

The City and Steven's Disposal have organized one final bulk pickup for items damaged by storms and subsequent flooding last month.

Any residents with remaining flood damage items should call DPS at 734-384-9125 by ๐“๐‡๐”๐‘๐’๐ƒ๐€๐˜, ๐’๐„๐๐“๐„๐Œ๐๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ ๐€๐“ ๐๐Ž๐Ž๐ to schedule pickup for Friday, September 15. Items should be out no later than 6A.M. Friday morning.

-Bundle carpet in 4-foot lengths, no more than 50lbs.
-Paneling and drywall should be broken down into sections less than 2'X4'. Remove nails/sharp objects.
-Contain all trash in bags - no more than 50lbs.
-NO loose trash, boxes, liquids or hazardous/flammable materials.

UPDATE:  Thursday, August 31, 2023

Storm and flood refuse collection continues slowly, but diligently across the city.

Supplemental collection of flood-damaged refuse on Monday and Tuesday's normal trash routes is complete.  Stevens is currently working on Wednesday's routes today, including the "W" streets.  Any remaining locations on Wednesday and Thursday's routes will be collected by Friday, September 1.  

Any residents with remaining flood damaged items that have not been collected by the end of the day Friday should contact DPS at 734-384-9125 and they will be added to the normal bulk collection, which will occur next week on Saturday, September 9, due to the delay for the Labor Day holiday. 

UPDATE: Monday, August 28, 2023

Assessment and cleanup efforts continue across the community from last weekโ€™s round of storms and subsequent flooding. Due to these ongoing efforts, the citywide Debris Sweep has been extended.

Stevens Disposal will continue the collection of flood related debris this week, beginning Tuesday, August 29th, and continuing through Wednesday, August 30th. Please place debris curbside by 7AM on Tuesday, August 29th. Debris not collected during this time can be scheduled for next weekโ€™s bulk collection program by calling our staff at 734.384.9125 beginning this Friday, September 1st to arrange for collection on September 9th.

This effort offers Monroe residents unlimited pickup of flood-damaged items with the following parameters:

โ€ข  Bundle carpet in 4-foot lengths, no more than 50 pounds
โ€ข  Contain all trash in bags, no more than 50 pounds
โ€ข  No loose trash, no boxes, no liquids, etc.
โ€ข  Paneling and drywall should be broken down into sections less than 2 foot by 4 foot. Remove any nails/sharp objects
โ€ข  No hazardous or flammable materials

Additionally, our Department of Public Services will do a one-week sweep of residential areas in the City for the purposes of brush collection beginning Tuesday, September 5th. Residents may bring any limbs downed in the storm out front to the terrace area, and staff will pass through each street only one time until all areas have been serviced.

โ€ข  Limbs should be limited in size to 10 inches in diameter or less if possible to allow them to be fed into the chipper.
โ€ข  Residents are free to place these at any time prior to the start of collection and should be placed out no later than 6AM: Tuesday, September 5th.

Thank you for your patience.  Questions? Please call our staff at 734.384.9125.


If you had water in your basement from Thursday morning's storm, the city recommends that you take action to prevent/lessen the impact of the next rain/weather event.

If water came up through your floor drain, here are some options:
-Plug it off temporarily or permanently if you have a slop sing for an overflow line
-Put a standpipe in the floor drain to temporarily mitigate the issue. 

If you see flooded streets:
-Please allow a few hours for rain to taper off and flood waters to recede before contacting the City.
-If the problem persists after that timeframe, call 734-384-9125 and leave a message with the location of the issue.

The vast majority of flooded streets should subside as the weather improves.

If you have water in your basement:
-Please call the Wastewater Plant at 734-241-5926 and leave a message. Crews will investigate as soon as possible.

REMEMBER: During a heavy wet weather event, water use should be minimized to reduce rates of flow into our sanitary sewer system

For a guide outlining measures to reduce the chance of possible water damage, please refer to the link below.